Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fat Ass

If you are not familiar with what a fat ass is let me elucidate.  A fat ass is a running event that can be summed-up by the following graphic:

Fat Ass Logo -- click to go back to homepage
no fees, no awards, no aid, no wimps
Source: cool running

Which brings me to today's Capital Peak Mega Fat Ass.  We woke-up at 5:30, loaded Jasper into the car and headed to the start to help with runner check-in.  I would like to take a moment to say that while 99.9% percent of the runners were awesome, there were a few that didn't seem to understand the concept of a fat ass.  Questions like, 'where is the water, aren't you going to provide some' and 'are these really the only pins you have'  make me think next year I will print out the "rules" and stick them on the registration table.

After registration closed I hurried-up and changed so I could run.  Months ago I was planning to do the 34 miler, that now seems laughable.  I opted for the 17 mile option and silently calculated how long it has been since I last ran that far (answer: almost two years). The first nine miles went well, I felt good and was cruising along with a few other Olyrunners for company.  Then it happened, I reached mile 9.5 and it all went to hell.  My feet ached with every step and my legs were tired and didn't want to turn over.  Not surprising given I haven't been running.  Fast foward 7.5 miles, I ran to the finish line and was greeted by Matt and Jasper.  It was the best finish of my life.

During the run my inner dialogue kept saying "this isn't you, you're better than this".  And then it hit me.  No, I am not better than this.  This. Is. Me. It is where I am right now and I am damn proud of  it.  Sure, it wasn't as fast or as easy as it once was, but in time that will come back.  And you know what, if it doesn't, that is okay too.  I'm not out there to win races, I'm just out to have a good time and hang out with my friends.

Oh, and if you are curious it took me 3:20 to finish, six minutes slower than when I last ran it in 2011 and thought I was in shape.   

Photo: It was a beautiful day for a fat ass
It was a beautiful day for a fat ass. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2013 in Review

I'm not sure about you, but I recently looked-up and it was 2014.  What?!?  Not sure where this past year went, but I do know that I seriously slacked in the blogging department.  I'm going to blame it on adding a hairless puppy (as far as our dogs are concerned) to our family and trying to maintain some semi-balance of normalcy.  Now that we've gotten started on 2014 it is a good time to update everyone (all three of you) that read this about our going ons.   Without further adieu I give you a retrospect on 2013. 
  • We became parents. They actually let us leave the hospital with a little person in our care.  I'm still amazed.
  • Europa has become a pill popper.  Her wild and crazy puppy days caught-up with her and she is on an anti-inflammatory/pain regimen.  
  • Jacks has taken to lazing on the couch(s) during the day while I work.  Apparently his tushy is sensitive and cannot properly relax on the floor.  
  • We went to MI over the 4th of July holiday, our first time back in a long time
  • I did not get back to running as quickly as I had hoped.  However, I did run a 20k up Mt. Elinor in August.  
  • We went to Jackson, WY and met -up with family for Matt's 40th (!) birthday.  During this trip we also visited friends in Bozeman, MT.
  • Matt was sucessful on his CO elk hunt (elk roast is in the oven as I type)
  • I got a promotion at work and am getting more project management experience
  • Little man is sprouting like a weed.  His current passions include:
    • Dog harassment
    • Smacking adults in the face while exploring noses and mouths
    • Evading diaper changes
    • Exploring things he shouldn't be
    • Making his displeasure known when taken away from the above items
  • Our family spend the week between Christmas and New Year sick, no fun.
Baby toy re-purposed as a fort