Monday, March 4, 2013

Ground Coffee

I never could understand why they sell ground coffee.  My thought has always been - buy it whole, grind it yourself, it tastes much better.  That all changed today, I finally get the ground coffee thing...
Jasper is a good sleeper, assuming you can get him to sleep I am pretty sure he would snooze through WWIII.  This morning after much bouncing, rocking, and begging for him to sleep he finally passed out.  I put him in his bouncy chair and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.  As I was getting ready to grind my beans I briefly wondered if it would wake him, dismissed it and carried on.  Because, you know, he sleeps through everything.  WRONG!  No sooner had I finished grinding was I met with dissatisfied screams.  At lest now I am rocking while drinking my coffee (and typing this one handed).