Friday, April 26, 2013

Personal Trainer

Lots of people pay good money to have a personal trainer, me, I have one for free (minus the astronomical cost of raising a child).  Enter Jasper, referred to as my trainer hereafter.  This evening my trainer has been fussy, so I start bouncing while holding him - nope, not working hard enough.  Next up, my trainer prescribes deep squats, yeah this isn't cutting it either.  He moves me onto the  exercise ball, no dice.  On goes the wrap and back to the bouncing again...nothing, not enough intensity.  More deep squats, nothing.  After about a gazillion squats I gave up and took my trainer for a walk.  He was content and looking around for awhile and then began screaming again - fun.  Enter the next phase of training, lunges.  Yes, I lunged home while wearing him.  I am pretty sure my neighbors think I am crazy.  But hey, if crazy is what gets him to stop screaming and go the f*&# to sleep, so be it. 

The below picture is old, but I thought you should see how cute he is while screaming his head off...