There, I said it. That nasty word it seems no one wants to talk about. The reason most people wait three months to even breath a word of a pregnancy. I had a friend remind me when I told them of my pregnancy that 50% end in a miscarriage. While that percentage isn't correct, the idea is. Miscarriage is not uncommon. In fact it is common, very common. And I see no reason why people shouldn't talk about it. Something that so many people experience should not be treated as a nasty little secret. In fact, I think if it were something that were more out in the open those experiencing it wouldn't feel so alone.
The scientist in me wants to write a post backed-up with lots of citations. But lets be honest, that isn't the kind of blog I have. No need to start now. Instead I will leave it with this: we are sad that this happen but understand there is nothing we could have done differently. What we did learn from this pregnancy are two very important things 1) we can conceive, and 2) we are really excited to start a family.
Not many people can claim to have a funny miscarriage story. I do. Or at least I can find the humor in it instead of being upset. My situation (for lack of a better word) began Friday. That evening when Matt got back from work we headed to the local sporting goods store to look at rifles. Matt got me a rifle IOU as a Christmas present. He wanted to make sure the gun I got fit my little t-rex arms (his words, not mine). We picked-out my new gun and while we were waiting for the guy to run the background check one of the other workers came-up and started talking to me. The conversation went something like this:
Guy: I don't have much free time for hunting since I have three kids under three at home. Here let me show you pictures. (Matt walks away at this point)
Me: Beautiful kids
Guy: Yes. Do you have any kids?
Me: Nope
Guy: Well, do you plan on having kids?
Me: Yes
Guy: Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy?
Me: No
Guy: Well, let me tell you what it is about. It follows two couples. One is white trash and starts having kids early and often. The other are responsible and wait until they are settled and older and finally decide to have kids, only to find out that they cannot. That's what I like, the trailer folks like me got it right, start early, reproduce often, and in the end take over the world. Waiting obviously doesn't work.
Me: How long until the background check is done...
I couldn't make this up. It really did happen. I leave you with with a quote from my friend Mary.
"This real life reproduction business is not exactly the stuff of Hollywood movies."
I messaged you instead of leaving a giant comment here, but I just wanted to say that I agree that miscarriages shouldn't be such a taboo subject. It's an absolutely normal and common part of life.
Melissa & Matt:
Everything is only what WE each CHOOSE to make of it!
We are glad that you have been able to break ground on the topic, have a sense of humor, and see the positives. This may help others. Keep making lemonade out of lemons!
We are sorry for your loss, but look forward to your wonderful future.
"I am old enough to know that laughter, not anger, is the true revelation."--Erica Jong
Love you both.
So glad you wrote this. Well said! And that guy at the sporting goods store seriously deserves a kick in the head. Still cannot believe he thought that was the moral of the movie! wow.
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