Preamble - over the past 5 months my longest run was ~11 miles, and that happened a few times, at best. More often that not I ran a few miles at a time. Sad, pathetic, motivation lost... But, as I mentioned before I found it, my motivation reappeared.
Fast forward to this week. I ran three, count it, THREE times. That is big for me. First up, Tuesday Rock Candy. If you remember from last year this is that hill workout that knocked me on my ass. Not this year, I am woefully out of shape compared to where I was this time last year; however the workout felt much easier. Next up was Priest Point on Thursday, an easy 45 min run followed by beer. Okay, maybe this one doesn't count. That brings us to Saturday. Dave wanted to link together three peaks for a 20 mile jaunt in the woods. I was sold. Sure, my longest distance in months was way less than that, but hey, you gotta start somewhere!
We started off at the crack of 9 am figuring we would be out for around 4 hrs. We ran into a hitch right off the bat, there was an ATV event going on and they were using a number of the trails we planned to run. A bit of map work and we altered our route a tad to deal with this (bypassing Capitol Peak making it a two peak run). Problem solved. We cruised up peak one (Larch Mountain), said farewell to Herb and headed on down the trail towards Rock Candy. Some more re-routing (ran into the ATVers again) and we found ourselves at the top of Rock Candy where we stopped for a minute to take in the view and discuss the fact that our 20 mile run may be a bit longer than expected.
Top of Rock Candy |
After our little break we headed off to run trails we had never been on and ran into this...
The trail washed out, in its place was a rather steep ravine that lead to this...
Upon crossing and reconnecting with the trail we were met with so many blowdowns that running ceased and we scrambled for about a mile. After which we were met with yet another washed out trail and ravine we had to cross. Once that was all said and done we came across this...a bit late in the game.
At this point we had deviated even farther from our original course. In our ravine hopping, route finding fun we ended up further away from our car than anticipated. Did I mention we were all out of water at this point? Back to the map to figure out how to best get home. We made our plan and headed out, slowly....
In the end we covered 26-27 miles, a heck of a lot more than I've previously run this year. I must admit I am awful proud of myself. The best part, I feel fine. I figured I would pay in soreness today, it never came. Below is a graph of what we did, the mileage is short because the GPS died before we were done.
Stolen from Brian |