Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fancy Toy

Last week I mentioned my fancy new watch and after getting it out on a few runs I am happy to report - I love it.  It provides me with more data that I know what to do with.  From the readout it appears that I have a hummingbird heart.  My resting heart rate is normal (50ish), but activity causes me to spike in a hurry.  I need to do a max heart rate test so the results are a little more accurate.  Due to the heart rate issue and an incorrect activity setting, my watch has informed me each run was killing me.  I may not have felt awesome these past few weeks, but it surely isn't as doom and gloom as the watch is predicting.

Now onto the fun stuff, below is a peak at what the watch does (from yesterday's run).  If you want to see everything click here:

Run Summary
Route - I must admit, I am digging the GPS!
Speed and Altitude. 

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