Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hobby Quandary

Sigh...there are just too many things I would like to do during any given day.  I am somewhat envious of people that have a singular passion, something they can pursue with undivided attention.  Me, I am more like a fly on a fart - I can so easily switch directions it is ridiculous.  This trend is somewhat counterproductive towards really becoming accomplished at something.  I fall under the category of "doer of many, master of none". 

I suppose this isn't awful, it is just it lends itself to my always feeling somewhat disappointed.  Disappointed because I didn't do my best at something because I didn't give it my full attention.  Disappointed because I did focus my full attention on something and it came at the cost of not doing other things.  As you can see this isn't exactly a quandary I can solve, either way I find myself somewhat displeased. 

Why you ask am I bringing this up?  Well, I spent the better part of my summer running and loving every minute of it.  However, now that summer is coming to a close I find myself reflecting back on the things I wish I had done more of - namely climbing.  I can tell you the last time I touched rock - it was the debacle in the Tetons.  Since then nothing, nada, zilch. 

I have been running forever, at this point it is a part of who I am.  I started in 7th grade and have never stopped.  Sure, there were times when I wanted nothing to do with it.  After college running held no appeal for me, however, after a year of not running something happened, I couldn't wait to lace my shoes up and get out.  I guess I just needed a brief respite.  None the less, I don't think that running is my passion.  It is just an activity that I am hardwired to do.

Climbing or better put - mountain activities.  I think that may be where my true passion is.  It is the thing I dream about, the thing running gets me in shape to do. Hopefully I can figure out a way to better share my time among activities.

Upcoming events:
  • Matt and I are meeting some friends at Smith Rock this month for a weekend of climbing!
  • Capitol Peak Fat Ass
  • Orca's Island 50k

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