Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weekend Activites

This past weekend provided us with perfect fall weather, the type of days that make this my favorite season - chilly with a lot of sun.  As far as I am concerned it doesn't get much better!  Saturday morning Matt got up early and took Jacks for some pheasant hunting, they didn't have any luck.  I rolled out of bed later in the morning and rode my bike into town to go shopping at the market where Matt met-up with me and we had lunch. 

Bike path into town

Saturday afternoon we took our mountain bikes to Capitol Forest and went for a ride.  It was essentially a grind up followed by a really fun downhill.  Every time I get out on my bike I wonder why I don't do it more, I enjoy it so much. Sunday found us at the same trail head except this time we were running.  All in all it was a great weekend!
Busy day at the market

Pepper stand

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