Monday, August 27, 2012

Running Plans

You may have noticed the blog has been void of running adventures the past few months.  That isn't because I haven't been running - I am.  But I am not running nearly as much or should I say as interesting of runs, and I've not raced at all this year.  No, no, it is not because I have turned into a giant slacker, I actually have a good excuse - I'm pregnant (17 weeks if you are curious).  As I said, I am still running but my long adventures have had go on temporary hold. 

That brings me to my future plans.  I know, some of you may read this and think I have weird priorities if what I am thinking about right now is what kind of runs I am going to do, but, it is part of who I am, so obviously it is weighing on me.  I figure I should try and be realistic so I plan to start-up again next year with White River 50 mile.  I am due in February, the race is the end of July, that give me ~5 months to get myself back in shape and able to do this.  Not sure if it will be possible, I am sure there are a lot of variables that will come into play.  But for now, that is my plan. 

If like me you are a runner and curious what pregnancy will do to you, I can share my experience thus far.  As I mentioned earlier I am still running, just not as far.  I actually did a couple 20-30 milers before I knew and during those runs something felt off.  I was exhausted and couldn't move very fast.  But, I am stubborn so I just pushed on and assumed I was struggling to recover since I went from not running much to big miles is a short period.  To further the idea that my body hated me I had recently started using a heart rate monitor and was amazed to see how high my heart rate would be on an easy 20 mile run, it was disturbing.  I wasn't working hard but my heart rate would hover in the 180's.  Again, I just chalked it up to poor conditioning. 

And then...I finally took a test, got the positive, and it all made sense.  At this point I gave up my long runs (20+ miles) and stuck with my twice a week work-out with the group - Tuesday Rock Candy (hill workout ~10 miles) and Thursday easy trail run (really it is more a reason to get together for drinking ~ 4 miles).  On the weekends I go out by myself.  I find it easier to run by myself, I don't judge how slow I am going, instead I enjoy the fact that I am out on the trails. 

During the first trimester I was exhausted all the time so while I ran I wasn't exactly excited about it.  I would rather be napping.  It didn't help that running downhill made me nauseous, but, as I said, I am stubborn and kept at it.  Now that I am in the second trimester I feel like a new person.  The nagging nausea and exhaustion are mostly gone and I feel like myself again.  Since I am not running the same big miles I would like to be more consistent and get out on a daily basis.  Since this isn't my standard M.O. I haven't quite been able to get it instated yet.  But, when I do run these days it is much more enjoyable. My plan is to keep going as long as I can unless the dr. tells me otherwise. 

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