Sunday, September 9, 2012

Are You Kidding Me?!?

Last night around 3am Europa was grumbling by the door wall in our room.  Both Matt and I shushed her and rolled-over back to sleep.  This morning I head out back to let the chickens out and guess what I encounter...

Our strawberries are gone.  What you are looking at is a half of a wiskey barrel that was overflowing with strawberry plants, not so anymore.  Deciding to take matters in our own hands we stopped at Cabela's and purchased a deer stopper. 

Hopefully a zap in the butt will be enough to send them scurrying.  If nothing else our new bb gun sure if fun to play with!  In case you are curious it is a Daisy, just no the red rider rifle.  We opted for the handgun version. 

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