Monday, September 17, 2012

Half Baked Baby in the Oven

I can hardly believe that I am half cooked, where does time go?  Today Matt and I went for our mid-way ultrasound, it was pretty cool to get to see images of our little (big) one.  The technician informed us everything looks good so far as she can tell, we'll know for sure after the radiologist (?) reads all the films.  The only thing she did mention is that the little person is currently measuring big, which is consistent with our 8 week ultrasound.  She thinks we may be somewhat ahead of what we previously thought. 

No, we did not find out the sex.
I'm feeling good and seem to have to remind folks from time to time that I am pregnant, not an invalid.  It is amazing how often I hear the advice of take it easy, don't do too much.  Apparently sitting on the couch eating bon-bons is the best thing for baby?  From all I have read I  have to disagree with that sentiment, exercise through pregnancy has been shown to be beneficial for both mom and baby.  Mom keeps unnecessary weight gain down, improves the function of the placenta (through 14 weeks - I think), and prepares baby for the rigors of childbirth.  Plus it helps with my (and Matt's) sanity.  If there a reason I should no longer exercise I will stop, but as long as I can go I'll keep at it.  I am still running and it is generally okay.  Sometimes things feel kinda weird and cause me to stop and walk, but for the most part it is business as usual, just A LOT slower. 

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