Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Klungles go Clamming

This past week Matt's parents made the trip to WA to come and visit us, it was nice to get to see them.  While they were in town we had a clam tide and thought it would be fun to take them out to experience clam digging.  There was two problems with this 1) it was a night tide, and 2) Linda did not have any rain pants or boots.  Being a night tide makes it much harder to locate the little siphon holes that indicate a clam is below.  Lacking lower body wet weather gear poses two problems, you have no protection from the rain or the tide.  Thankfully as soon as we got out of the car the rain stopped, unfortunately Linda  was consumed by the tide and got soaking wet.  In case you were curious, the oceans in our latitude are not exactly warm.  She was a trooper and stuck it out while we finished hunting for our clam limit - which we got.  Being that it was pitch black out I do not have any photo evidence of the actual dig, but I do have a photo of Ken cleaning clams for us.

Cleaning clams

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