Do you recall a few years back when I decided get in shape for my first ultra via my couch to 50k plan? That was in 2010 and at the time I summed up my running status as couch potato. Fast forward to 2014, I've done far more running but took a bit of a break due to the whole kid thing. Sure, I ran though my pregnancy, but it looked more like a penguin waddling down the trail. Post baby I had big plans to get right back in the saddle. That didn't happen. I did do some random races in an effort to motivate, but I just wasn't into it. After the race I would go back to a state of very little to no running. Which brings me to where I am today...
Mid-winter I decided it was time to return to me. I picked a race that I've been wanting to do and entered the lottery. I figured if I got in it would be time to get my butt back in gear. With a fair amount of excitement and trepidation I put in for Cascade Crest 100 mile this August. And guess what? I got in! Cue the queasy stomach. This will be my first hundred, it has ~22,000' of ascent and I am literally starting from ground zero in terms of my fitness. I found out I won the lottery six weeks ago, six weeks ago I started running again.
My first real test is coming in two weeks, I plan to run the Capitol Peak 50 mile. I'm not convinced this is a good idea, but I feel like I need to at least try. All that has been running through my head is "in what world can you go from no running to 50 miles in 8 weeks without killing yourself". I've tried to push that little voice aside and have progressed with my running. As a matter of fact I ran 20 miles yesterday and felt fine afterward and today. Assuming you ignore the cut arms and bruised knee from my very graceful tumble. Not really sure what I did, must of caught a root. Landing in a briar bush is not advised.
After Capitol Peak my training will start in earnest. I feel the outcome of this race will give me a good baseline to judge how I need to prepare moving forward. I'm not going to lie, I am a bit, okay, very nervous about this race. I am trying to view it as a good opportunity to work on my mental game.
Coconut M&M's
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Fat Ass
If you are not familiar with what a fat ass is let me elucidate. A fat ass is a running event that can be summed-up by the following graphic:
Which brings me to today's Capital Peak Mega Fat Ass. We woke-up at 5:30, loaded Jasper into the car and headed to the start to help with runner check-in. I would like to take a moment to say that while 99.9% percent of the runners were awesome, there were a few that didn't seem to understand the concept of a fat ass. Questions like, 'where is the water, aren't you going to provide some' and 'are these really the only pins you have' make me think next year I will print out the "rules" and stick them on the registration table.
After registration closed I hurried-up and changed so I could run. Months ago I was planning to do the 34 miler, that now seems laughable. I opted for the 17 mile option and silently calculated how long it has been since I last ran that far (answer: almost two years). The first nine miles went well, I felt good and was cruising along with a few other Olyrunners for company. Then it happened, I reached mile 9.5 and it all went to hell. My feet ached with every step and my legs were tired and didn't want to turn over. Not surprising given I haven't been running. Fast foward 7.5 miles, I ran to the finish line and was greeted by Matt and Jasper. It was the best finish of my life.
During the run my inner dialogue kept saying "this isn't you, you're better than this". And then it hit me. No, I am not better than this. This. Is. Me. It is where I am right now and I am damn proud of it. Sure, it wasn't as fast or as easy as it once was, but in time that will come back. And you know what, if it doesn't, that is okay too. I'm not out there to win races, I'm just out to have a good time and hang out with my friends.
Oh, and if you are curious it took me 3:20 to finish, six minutes slower than when I last ran it in 2011 and thought I was in shape.
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Source: cool running |
After registration closed I hurried-up and changed so I could run. Months ago I was planning to do the 34 miler, that now seems laughable. I opted for the 17 mile option and silently calculated how long it has been since I last ran that far (answer: almost two years). The first nine miles went well, I felt good and was cruising along with a few other Olyrunners for company. Then it happened, I reached mile 9.5 and it all went to hell. My feet ached with every step and my legs were tired and didn't want to turn over. Not surprising given I haven't been running. Fast foward 7.5 miles, I ran to the finish line and was greeted by Matt and Jasper. It was the best finish of my life.
During the run my inner dialogue kept saying "this isn't you, you're better than this". And then it hit me. No, I am not better than this. This. Is. Me. It is where I am right now and I am damn proud of it. Sure, it wasn't as fast or as easy as it once was, but in time that will come back. And you know what, if it doesn't, that is okay too. I'm not out there to win races, I'm just out to have a good time and hang out with my friends.
Oh, and if you are curious it took me 3:20 to finish, six minutes slower than when I last ran it in 2011 and thought I was in shape.
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It was a beautiful day for a fat ass. |
Thursday, January 9, 2014
2013 in Review
I'm not sure about you, but I recently looked-up and it was 2014. What?!? Not sure where this past year went, but I do know that I seriously slacked in the blogging department. I'm going to blame it on adding a hairless puppy (as far as our dogs are concerned) to our family and trying to maintain some semi-balance of normalcy. Now that we've gotten started on 2014 it is a good time to update everyone (all three of you) that read this about our going ons. Without further adieu I give you a retrospect on 2013.
- We became parents. They actually let us leave the hospital with a little person in our care. I'm still amazed.
- Europa has become a pill popper. Her wild and crazy puppy days caught-up with her and she is on an anti-inflammatory/pain regimen.
- Jacks has taken to lazing on the couch(s) during the day while I work. Apparently his tushy is sensitive and cannot properly relax on the floor.
- We went to MI over the 4th of July holiday, our first time back in a long time
- I did not get back to running as quickly as I had hoped. However, I did run a 20k up Mt. Elinor in August.
- We went to Jackson, WY and met -up with family for Matt's 40th (!) birthday. During this trip we also visited friends in Bozeman, MT.
- Matt was sucessful on his CO elk hunt (elk roast is in the oven as I type)
- I got a promotion at work and am getting more project management experience
- Little man is sprouting like a weed. His current passions include:
- Dog harassment
- Smacking adults in the face while exploring noses and mouths
- Evading diaper changes
- Exploring things he shouldn't be
- Making his displeasure known when taken away from the above items
- Our family spend the week between Christmas and New Year sick, no fun.
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Baby toy re-purposed as a fort |
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Great Pumpkin Debacle
Today was the day, we were finally going to head to the cider mill and get our pumpkins and apple fritter. As usual, our friends Pat, Jenn and their son Evan came-up to join us. We wandered into the pumpkin patch and all noted that there were far fewer pumpkins that in previous years. Wandering the aisles we soon realized that the pumpkins that remained were rotted. We walked away empty handed. The massive amount of rain we received in September reeked havoc on our local pumpkin crop. The upside, we still got to enjoy donuts and cider and Evan provided some comic relief by plopping down in the middle of a rotten pumpkin, not once, but twice.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Happy Birthday Old Man!
Matt has completed his trudge up this hill and is finally at the top - this year we celebrated his 40th birthday (I personally think this age needs to be corrected for longer lifespan)! He decided that he wanted to spend this birthday in Jackson, WY. Who am I to complain? So we loaded up the car Friday after work and headed out. Saturday morning we pulled into Bozeman, MT to visit some friends and were amazed at how well Jasper did with the 12 hour drive. We feed and changed him when we stopped for gas, otherwise he was a champ and either slept or played with his toys in the back seat. This trend continued for the entire trip - even when we did a lot of daytime driving.
It was good to visit with our friends and Matt (our friends name as well) was nice enough to let me join him for a run in the mountains. He and I headed up into the Bridgers while Matt and Jasper hiked behind. It was a beautiful day to be out.
We left Bozeman Sunday afternoon and planned to fish our way to Jackson. One problem - it was HOT, really, really HOT and Jasper wasn't used to it so he was having a hard time. Not to mention he had come down with a cold (which he was kind enough to pass to Matt and I). So, our plan of hanging out by the river and fishing wasn't panning out and we quickly realized it was time to enact our non-existent Plan B. We ended-up getting a hotel room in Big Sky, MT where Jasper and I hung out while Matt spent the evening on the Gallitan chasing fish. He came back giddy and told me he caught four fish, one of which was an 18" trout.
Monday morning we headed to Jackson (fishing along the way) to meet-up with Matt's parents, Roni, Matt and the girls, and my dad. Our time in Jackson was fun, albeit it different than our previous visits. Having Jasper along necessitated a few changes to our activity expectations, but we did get out for a hike and did a lot of fishing. Matt would go for bike rides in the morning and I would get out for trail runs later in the day.
It was great to see family and always fun to play in the mountains. Hopefully next time both of my boys are feeling better so we can get after it a little more.
It was good to visit with our friends and Matt (our friends name as well) was nice enough to let me join him for a run in the mountains. He and I headed up into the Bridgers while Matt and Jasper hiked behind. It was a beautiful day to be out.
Headed up |
The Matt's and Jasper when we caught-up to them on our way back down |
Monday morning we headed to Jackson (fishing along the way) to meet-up with Matt's parents, Roni, Matt and the girls, and my dad. Our time in Jackson was fun, albeit it different than our previous visits. Having Jasper along necessitated a few changes to our activity expectations, but we did get out for a hike and did a lot of fishing. Matt would go for bike rides in the morning and I would get out for trail runs later in the day.
It was great to see family and always fun to play in the mountains. Hopefully next time both of my boys are feeling better so we can get after it a little more.
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Hiking from Death Canyon |
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The views weren't too shabby |
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Apparently the hike took it out of him... |
Fishing the Gros Ventre |
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Mt Ellinor 20k
Not sure if you remember, but I had big ambitions to run White River 50 mi this summer. Between Jasper's birth not going exactly as planned and then his inclination for fussing anytime he was left with Matt not much running occurred the first few months of his life. So, no White River for me. Looking back I think it comical that I ever thought that was a good idea....
As of late Matt is dealing with the fussing better (no, it hasn't stopped) so I've been able to get out by myself a bit more. Before last weekend I made it out for two Saturday trail runs, both of which were ~10miles. I felt this was sufficient training to sign-up for a 20k and picked out a doozie. The 'Beast of Big Creek' which runs up Mt. Ellinor, meaning you gain 5,000' in six miles to the top and then turn around and run back down. Fun (I'm serious)!
My expectations were minimal going into the race - not keel over and die and finish. I'm happy to report I accomplished both. My writing this is evidence that I'm alive and I did finish, I was DFL, but I finished. As you may surmise from my stellar finish, I ate some humble pie during this race. And you know what? It was delicious. It took me some time to acquire the taste, but I learned a lot about myself that day. Halfway up the climb I apologized to my body for being so hard on it. It grew and ejected a little person and was now allowing me to run a hard ass race with no training. So really, who cares that I don't look exactly like I did before I got pregnant. My body is bad ass and goes the distance for me. Even when I am unkind to it, it plows through and does what I ask. So, no more negative. Which brings me to the second thing I did during that long hard climb, I thanked my body. I'm thankful for what is, because that is where I am right now and I better accept it.
As for the actual race, it was hard and beautiful and awesome. It was a good day to be out on the trail. It was foggy down low and sunny as I approached the summit, I do love a good inversion. I took my hiking polls and it was a good choice. I used them on the climb and the stowed them in my fancy new pack for the run down. Speaking of the run down, my strength is usually downhill running, not this time. The downhill portion is where I became very aware at my lack of fitness. I had one speed and it wasn't very fast. I'm pretty sure I could smell my feet smoking from the friction caused by my excessive braking.
One of my friends, who also ran the race, hiked back out to meet me at the finish. When I crossed the finish line the race director walked over and said "you should come back next year and try for a faster time". My friend looked at him and said "how many other women just had a kid a few months ago and are out here running your race?" Needless to say, his response to the race director made my day. It was much better than my reaction, which was to look down in shame. Back to my finish place, I was one of a hand full of women than did the race so how I finished can be viewed a few different ways:
1) I was DFL
2) I was top five women
3) I was first in my age group
My view. I got to spend a day outside doing something I love. To me, that is a win.
As of late Matt is dealing with the fussing better (no, it hasn't stopped) so I've been able to get out by myself a bit more. Before last weekend I made it out for two Saturday trail runs, both of which were ~10miles. I felt this was sufficient training to sign-up for a 20k and picked out a doozie. The 'Beast of Big Creek' which runs up Mt. Ellinor, meaning you gain 5,000' in six miles to the top and then turn around and run back down. Fun (I'm serious)!
My expectations were minimal going into the race - not keel over and die and finish. I'm happy to report I accomplished both. My writing this is evidence that I'm alive and I did finish, I was DFL, but I finished. As you may surmise from my stellar finish, I ate some humble pie during this race. And you know what? It was delicious. It took me some time to acquire the taste, but I learned a lot about myself that day. Halfway up the climb I apologized to my body for being so hard on it. It grew and ejected a little person and was now allowing me to run a hard ass race with no training. So really, who cares that I don't look exactly like I did before I got pregnant. My body is bad ass and goes the distance for me. Even when I am unkind to it, it plows through and does what I ask. So, no more negative. Which brings me to the second thing I did during that long hard climb, I thanked my body. I'm thankful for what is, because that is where I am right now and I better accept it.
As for the actual race, it was hard and beautiful and awesome. It was a good day to be out on the trail. It was foggy down low and sunny as I approached the summit, I do love a good inversion. I took my hiking polls and it was a good choice. I used them on the climb and the stowed them in my fancy new pack for the run down. Speaking of the run down, my strength is usually downhill running, not this time. The downhill portion is where I became very aware at my lack of fitness. I had one speed and it wasn't very fast. I'm pretty sure I could smell my feet smoking from the friction caused by my excessive braking.
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Foggy start of race |
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Sunny trail! Yes, that is the trail. |
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At the top |
1) I was DFL
2) I was top five women
3) I was first in my age group
My view. I got to spend a day outside doing something I love. To me, that is a win.
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Elevation Profile (and my [slow] time on the x axis if you're curious) |
Monday, June 17, 2013
Jaspers First Boat Ride
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