Sunday, October 3, 2010

Banned Books

One thing that never ceases to amaze me are banned books.  Seriously, who do these holier than though people think they are?  What gives them the right to remove perfectly good, if not fantastic literature from children's grasp because they are too repressed to see the value in it.

I really would like to rant and rave about this, however, I suppose that isn't very productive.  Instead I will say that I hope people can stop for a moment and see how repressive they are being.   What happened to parents having control over their kids?  Now the answer seems to be that the material needs to be removed from the library so their child doesn't have access to it.  Okay, so maybe I indulged in a little ranting...

If you are interested in checking out a list of Banned Books click the link.


Mary said...

Oh this pisses me right off too! Every fall my mom (english teacher in a Catholic school) deals with parents freaking out over the summer reading assignments. I wish I could remember some of the books they've objected to, but it's always for some really stupid thing. And these are high school students! I'd love to know how many of these kids have seen R rated movies??? How about teach your kids to take on mature content in a mature way? There - I ranted for you :)

M&M said...

What I don't get is how these parents think that forbidding their child to read something is actually going to work? Last time I checked if I am told not to do something that generally is the very thing I am going to try and DO.

Seems counterproductive to me...