The glove! |
I had been toying with the idea of acquiring this game for our Wii, my current condition gave me the perfect justification. I would count it as exercise, perfect!! A quick stop at Fred Meyer and we headed home to open our new toy, a toy that came with your very own glove (not to be worn while playing the game). So, as you can imagine Friday evening was passed by Matt and I trying to mimic MJ's sweet dance moves, it was pathetic. Some serious practice is needed...
Today was long run #2 for me since I got back on the horse, 3.5 hours and 17-18 miles later I managed to drag myself back to the truck and a waiting Matt. All in all it went pretty well, kinda. About two hours in I fell apart, it was bad. If I wasn't responsible for getting myself back to the truck I may have just sat on the side of the trail and waited, this wasn't an option. I got myself there, I had to get myself out.
Let me paint a picture of my fall from running grace. I was happily running along when I began to feel myself slowly slipping into a funk. Instead of trying to ward it off I embraced it, at which point I hit bottom. I had slowed to a walking shuffle all the while thinking how awful I felt and lamenting how much further I had to go. This is the point where I would have been happy to sit on the side of the trail and sulk. Knowing this wasn't an option I let myself pout a bit more and then began to fashion a plan to pry myself off rock bottom. It went something like this: 1) eat a cliff bar; 2) begin a slow running shuffle; and 3) set a goal of a couple miles that I had to cover before I allowed myself to use my secret weapon, the ipod.
My last unhappy moment. |
This brings me to the realization I had on my run. Some people have asked me why I run long distances. I usually shrug my shoulders and say because it is there and something to do. However, that answer doesn't really capture the essence of it. I enjoy endurance events because when you push yourself to the edge, that is when you feel the best. There is the moment where you go from being tired and miserable dwelling at rock bottom to elated. You managed to break though the funk and have a moment (sometimes brief) of pure joy. That is why I run.
In totally unrelated news, I made homemade pasta tonight!
Mighty tasty |
Happy Trails!
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