Saturday, January 22, 2011

Youngs Lake 20 Mile

First things first, the reason you should run an ultra, or at least an event attached to an ultra - aid stations.  Marathon aid stations usually have water, Gatorade, and gu.  Ultra aid stations bear a closer resemblance to a candy store: snickers, twizzlers, cookies, chips and guacamole, brownies, soup, sandwiches, gu, nuun, pop, and salt tabs, just to name a few options.  It is awesome!

Today I partook in Youngs Lake 20 mile trail run. It is a loop trail around a reservoir that you can do as many times as you want (10 mi, 20mi, 50k), the more you run the better deal the race is (everyone pays $19).  Prior to the start of the race the RD gave a quick speech "We have gotten a lot of rain, don't expect a PR, you will likely have a PW today.  Use common sense going down the first hill, people have lost teeth on it. And...start!"

I wasn't sure what to expect of the course, the online description describes it as pretty flat.   It was not as flat as I expected but it was a very fast, runnable course.  My legs feel somewhat turtle-ish and heavy, some speed work may do me good.  Overall I felt pretty good and plugged along my merry way.  When I finished I felt like I could have gone out and done another lap, that is good since I have a 50k in two weeks. 

Total time: 2:59 (hr:min)

I am thinking about doing some climbing tomorrow.  I miss it... Sure, I will only be able to pull on plastic, but it is better than nothing.

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