Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's all connected

I have the knee of a 70 year old woman.  It creaks, pops, doesn't like to bend, and makes me wince when I stand up.  Not exactly a situation that is conducive to the running I like do.  So, after spending longer than I care to admit ignoring it, I finally did it, I went to a sports therapist.  I spent almost two hours being poked, prodded, and tapped.  But, when I walked out of there my knee had some range of motion back.  What I learned: my pelvis is tilted forward causing my right foot to angle out putting extra pressure on...well, you get the point.  It is all connected.  What this means for me, more stretching and pain at the hands of the roller. 

In other news, you may remember our 'to do' list that was posted when the blog was started.  One of the items on that list is Matt's desire to do the Leadville 100 mile mountain bike race for his 40th birthday.  We still have a couple of years before that.  But, they do have a 50 mile option and Matt plans to do it this year.  Nothing like putting it out there to make a person accountable :) 

1 comment:

Amber said...

I feel your pain on the foam roller. The ball joint of my left hip does not sit in the socket correctly and causes IT band syndrome when I run a lot of miles. Good thing I have been sitting on my butt doing no running for the last 6 months ;)