Order of yesterdays events:
- Run Fat Ass
- Make friends!!!
- Go to Urgent Care
- Play pinball
- Eat Pizza
The run itself went pretty well. I felt good for the first 11 miles, around mile 12 I felt like someone jammed a hot knife into my side. Unfortunately that feeling lasted though the end of the race. Matt also experienced some issues beginning at mile 12, more on that later...
Upon finishing I was milling about the finish area waiting for Matt and the a great thing happened, I made some friends!! There was a group of wonderful women that were super friendly and very helpful re: olympia trail running and events. I am looking forward to running with them and getting to know people in the area.
Distance: 17 miles
Time (Mel): 3:14 (hr:min)
Time (Matt): 3:38 (hr:min)
Urgent Care, I am sure you are wondering what landed us there. The issues Matt started having around mile 12 were a bit more worrisome then what I experienced. To the point, his pee was "coca cola" colored. There are a couple of options for what could have caused this. He is scheduled to receive a CT scan later this week to rule out a kidney stone. Personally, I don't think it is a stone, I am pretty sure it has to do with muscle breakdown. But, I am not a doctor so I wouldn't put too much weight on my opinion.
A pretty good day for me, a less than stellar day for Matt.
Is that a running SKIRT!?!? I like it. I've thought about getting a biking one, but the good ones are pretty pricey.
I'm impressed that you can persevere through so many trail miles. You must have a pretty expansive pain cave!
Is your 50-miler a trail run?
Yes, it is a running skirt and I LOVE IT! As you can see I chose the most obnoxious pattern I could... Check out www.skirtsports.com - I think they may do cycling ones as well. Plus, they offer really good deals sometimes. I got mine for around $30.
The 50 is also on trails. I don't do well with road running, it is really hard on my joints. While marathon training 2 of 3 times I ended up with stress fractures. Therefore I have sworn off the roads, at least for the longer distances. Anything over about 8 miles I head to a trail system.
Love the new bike! I tried to comment on your blog last night and it wouldn't allow me :( I'm looking forward to hearing about your touring adventures!
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